L'art d'assortir ses chaussons avec sa tenue de maison ne se limite pas à l'aspect pratique : il s'agit également de créer un look cohérent et élég...
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Slippers for the elderly: which model to choose for more comfort?

Why do my slippers smell bad?

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10 reasons to wear slippers at home

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Which slippers to choose so as not to sweat?
To keep our feet warm, we tend to opt for comfortable slippers. However, sometimes our slippers cause feet to sweat which can be uncomfortable, transmit bad odors and even encourage the development of bacteria. So, which slipper to choose so as not to sweat and stay pleasant and comfortable at home? Whatever the season, sweaty feet are always unpleasant. When you sweat, the sweat remains trapped in the shoes and causes all sorts of inconveniences for the wearer.

Which shoe to choose for nursery school?